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1/4 + 1/2 英吋套筒扳手組合,72 件式

套筒扳手 1/4 + 1/2 英吋組合,72 件式,REDSTRIPE

料號 5763100072
EAN 4065746799386

1/4 + 1/2 英吋套筒扳手組合,72 件式

料號 5763100072

x 1 數量


立即註冊即可存取超過 125,000 個產品


鉻釩鋼 (套筒、延長桿和棘輪)

擰緊/鬆開大直徑螺栓與螺母通常要求較高的扭力,也因此,使用之鋼材的耐用性也需要極高。鉻釩合金 (混合兩種或多種金屬) 可強化抗鏽蝕能力,提供額外的強度和硬度,能因應嚴苛作業環境之需求。

寬可見標記 (套筒)


球型扣勾槽 (套筒)


握持穩固 (套筒)


精準設計 (套筒)

套筒起子採用低間隙設計,可用以快速引導、固定至緊固件,並且對緊固件的平坦側 (而非邊角) 施加扭力。它也可用以轉動圓角磨損螺栓,並減少在結凍緊固件上滑動的情況。

2K 手柄 (棘輪)

2K 是「2 組件複合式」的縮寫。它是透過混合硬質耐用塑膠 (聚丙烯,簡稱 PP) 和稱為 TPR (熱塑性橡膠) 的防滑軟質材質製成。手柄具緩衝性且易於抓握,即使手上油膩,也能長時間舒適使用。

後方快速釋放按鈕 (棘輪)


雙向桿 (棘輪)


72 齒齒輪 (棘輪)

位於工具頭部,即使在空間最狹窄的情況下 (例如煞車處理作業期間的汽車輪艙內部) 也能協助使用者推動緊固件,因為無論是要鎖緊或鬆開,只需要 5 度的擺動就能推動緊固件。

ORSY 吹氣成型工具箱

Wurth 專屬設計完美符合 ORSY 系統:活用此系列產品省空間特性的 Wurth 常客將可享用更便利的使用體驗。



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72 Stck(pcs)

寬度 x 高度 x 深度

335 x 85 x 231 mm

1/4 + 1/2 英吋套筒扳手組合,72 件式 包括:
Screwdriver 1/4 inch REDSTRIPE
1 x
Screwdriver 1/4 inch REDSTRIPE


描述: Versatile solution that allows the usage of a wide variety of socket sizes in different applications due to mounting tip
數量: 1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatility: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatility: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatility: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatility: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatility: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatility: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatility: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatility: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatility: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatility: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatility: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatility: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatility: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatility: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatility: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatility: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/2 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatility: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/2 inch extension REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/2 inch extension REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Extensions are handy and to allow to access hard to reach areas with ease. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/2 inch extension REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/2 inch extension REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Extensions are handy and to allow to access hard to reach areas with ease. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
Ratchet 1/2 inch REDSTRIPE
1 x
Ratchet 1/2 inch REDSTRIPE


描述: Robust construction to ensure longevity allied to lightweight as an ideal blend that delivers reliability to every task without fatiguing the user.
數量: 1 x
Cardan joint 1/2 inch REDSTRIPE
1 x
Cardan joint 1/2 inch REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. The flex joint allows to work around obstructions when swinging the ratchet handle. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/2 inch connector 3-way REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/2 inch connector 3-way REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. The usage of the slider together with a T-bar provides more leverage and torque Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon short REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4-inch extension REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4-inch extension REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Extensions are handy and to allow to access hard to reach areas with ease. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4-inch extension REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4-inch extension REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Extensions are handy and to allow to access hard to reach areas with ease. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch extension flexible REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch extension flexible REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. For use in situations where nuts & bolts need to be tightened or undone, but access is limited or restricted and a traditional rigid extension bar. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench PH REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench PH REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. The usage of Phillips tips allows universal assembly and maintenance applications in the automotive, industrial and woodworking fields.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench PH REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench PH REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. The usage of Phillips tips allows universal assembly and maintenance applications in the automotive, industrial and woodworking fields.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench PZ REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench PZ REDSTRIPE


描述: Especially suitable for tough operations that demand increased torque (such as in hard working materials) without the risk of the screw to cam-out while using Pozidriv bits.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench PZ REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench PZ REDSTRIPE


描述: Especially suitable for tough operations that demand increased torque (such as in hard working materials) without the risk of the screw to cam-out while using Pozidriv bits.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon socket REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon socket REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon socket REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon socket REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon socket REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon socket REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon socket REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench hexagon socket REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Better grip during installation and removal. High resistance to cam-out better than most other drives. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench TX REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench TX REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. The usage of TX bits makes it far more secure than regular screws and allows higher torque transmission so screws and bolts can be tightened more securely. Widely used in applications in vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, computer systems, hard disk drives and consumer electronics.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench TX REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench TX REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. The usage of TX bits makes it far more secure than regular screws and allows higher torque transmission so screws and bolts can be tightened more securely. Widely used in applications in vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, computer systems, hard disk drives and consumer electronics.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench TX REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench TX REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. The usage of TX bits makes it far more secure than regular screws and allows higher torque transmission so screws and bolts can be tightened more securely. Widely used in applications in vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, computer systems, hard disk drives and consumer electronics.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench TX REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench TX REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. The usage of TX bits makes it far more secure than regular screws and allows higher torque transmission so screws and bolts can be tightened more securely. Widely used in applications in vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, computer systems, hard disk drives and consumer electronics.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench TX REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench TX REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. The usage of TX bits makes it far more secure than regular screws and allows higher torque transmission so screws and bolts can be tightened more securely. Widely used in applications in vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, computer systems, hard disk drives and consumer electronics.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench TX REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch socket wrench TX REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. The usage of TX bits makes it far more secure than regular screws and allows higher torque transmission so screws and bolts can be tightened more securely. Widely used in applications in vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, computer systems, hard disk drives and consumer electronics.
數量: 1 x
Ratchet 1/4 inch REDSTRIPE
1 x
Ratchet 1/4 inch REDSTRIPE


描述: Robust construction to ensure longevity allied to lightweight as an ideal blend that delivers reliability to every task without fatiguing the user.
數量: 1 x
Cardan joint 1/4 inch REDSTRIPE
1 x
Cardan joint 1/4 inch REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. The flex joint allows to work around obstructions when swinging the ratchet handle. Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch connector 3-way REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch connector 3-way REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. The usage of the slider together with a T-bar provides more leverage and torque Versatile: suitable for a wide range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x
1/4 inch bit adapter REDSTRIPE
1 x
1/4 inch bit adapter REDSTRIPE


描述: Crafted for high torque applications. Allows a wide variety of different bits to me mounted according to the fastener drive (head) type, being a very versatile “one-stop solution”. Suitable for a range of applications, from construction and machinery to automotive and industrial settings.
數量: 1 x

在購物籃中直接輸入貨號或使用 Easy-/VarioScan 匯入時,如果您不知道包裝單位,只要將該欄位留白即可。系統將會自動確定包裝單位。
VVVV = 貨號前 4 碼 (請注意,目前第一個數字一律為 0)
AAA = 代表尺寸第 1 部分的 3 個數字
BBB = 代表尺寸第 2 部分的 3 個數字

範例 1:尺寸為 4x10 公釐的螺絲:
00574 10 (4 和 10 之間有 2 個空格)

範例 2:尺寸為 10x20 公釐的螺絲:
005710 20 (10 和 20 之間有 1 個空格)

範例 3:內部直徑為 6 公釐的平墊圈:
每個包裝單位 (PU) 的價格:
顯示的價格一律會與顯示的包裝相符,如果 PU 為 250,價格就是 250 個單位的價格;如果 PU 為 300,價格就是 300 個單位的價格。

包含價格索引鍵表示法 (PSL) 的價格:
1 個單位的價格
100 個單位的價格
1000 個單位的價格





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