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梅開扳手套組 25 件式 - 平式

梅開扳手組合,短型 25 件式,REDSTRIPE

料號 5754101925
EAN 4065746757089

梅開扳手套組 25 件式 - 平式

料號 5754101925

x 1 數量


立即註冊即可存取超過 125,000 個產品

採用硬化鋼質結構設計,堅固耐用,且抗力十足,可有效因應需要較高扭力的艱難應用。兩端不同設計 (環狀與開口端) 的組合,用途多元,適用於各式應用情境,能滿足汽車、工業和建築領域中維護與組裝作業的嚴苛需求。


擰緊/鬆開大直徑螺栓與螺母通常要求較高的扭力,也因此,使用之鋼材的耐用性也需要極高。鉻釩合金 (混合兩種或多種金屬) 可強化抗鏽蝕能力,提供額外的強度和硬度,能因應嚴苛作業環境之需求。


工具塗有一層較厚的紋理霧面鉻,可供穩固握持。它還針對工廠和建築工地中常見的油、潤滑脂、髒污和其他侵蝕性物質 (例如可能會侵蝕表面並導致腐蝕的水泥和油漆溶劑) 提供額外抗性。

15 度傾斜頭 (開口端)








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25 Stck(pcs)

梅開扳手套組 25 件式 - 平式 包括:
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE
1 x
Combination wrench metric short REDSTRIPE


描述: Rugged design, featuring a hardened steel construction, ensures resistance to tough applications that demand elevated torque. The combination of different designs (ring and open-ended) of the ends offers versatility for a wide variety of applications, meeting the most rigorous demands of tasks in maintenance and assembly in the fields of automotive, industry and construction.
數量: 1 x

在購物籃中直接輸入貨號或使用 Easy-/VarioScan 匯入時,如果您不知道包裝單位,只要將該欄位留白即可。系統將會自動確定包裝單位。
VVVV = 貨號前 4 碼 (請注意,目前第一個數字一律為 0)
AAA = 代表尺寸第 1 部分的 3 個數字
BBB = 代表尺寸第 2 部分的 3 個數字

範例 1:尺寸為 4x10 公釐的螺絲:
00574 10 (4 和 10 之間有 2 個空格)

範例 2:尺寸為 10x20 公釐的螺絲:
005710 20 (10 和 20 之間有 1 個空格)

範例 3:內部直徑為 6 公釐的平墊圈:
每個包裝單位 (PU) 的價格:
顯示的價格一律會與顯示的包裝相符,如果 PU 為 250,價格就是 250 個單位的價格;如果 PU 為 300,價格就是 300 個單位的價格。

包含價格索引鍵表示法 (PSL) 的價格:
1 個單位的價格
100 個單位的價格
1000 個單位的價格





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